Thursday, June 17, 2010

Repurposed mommy's t-shirt into skirt & dress

I'm having a productive days, manage to produce 2 skirts, 1 peasant top & 1 dress in three days, note: the peasant top & one other skirt still needs lil' bit finishing touch.

Inspired by many bloggers (i'm in blanking mode, i knew there're 3 pictures from other blogger that inspire
d me, but i only remember 2!! Geezz.. so i'll update my post later on about from which blog i was inspired haha, it's on my 'source of inspirations' list for sure.. hmmph).

I always forget to take picture of the 'before', so here it is, the almost like 'before' pictures:

And the other tshirt:

Repurposed them into:

and this:

The skirt is way too big for Jess, but the dress in a proper size for her now. I'm thinking to submit the skirt to crafterhours skirt week.

1 comment:

  1. What a cute makeover! Thanks so much for the support, you're the best! (:
